EcoCosm, Inc

Within past five years, performed retro-commissioning on over 1 million sq ft of office, laboratory and industrial facilities.  Included defining measures, determining energy savings and contractor support in programming building controls.  Also over past five years, performed ASHRAE Level 1 or 2 energy audits on over 15 million sq ft of office space.

Key Contacts

Justin Tiedemann, LEED AP


Peter Baumstark

Lead Engineer


Seattle Office


2200 6th Ave suite 425
Seattle, WA 98121

San Francisco Office


201 Spear Street, Suite 1100
San Francisco, CA 94105

Services Offered

  • Design and construction
  • Energy audit
  • Energy benchmarking
  • Measurement and verification
  • Retro-commissioning
  • Savings Persistence Tracking

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